Steve Sashihara and Gurobi See Optimization Everywhere

During Gurobi Days NYC, Steve sat down and discussed optimization impact and opportunities, and the power of Gurobi Optimizer behind transformational solutions.
Supply Chain Meets the Metaverse

The metaverse is here and transportation and supply chain executives should pay attention, Steve asserts in a new blog post, presenting 5 real-world application areas to explore.
Princeton Consultants and the US Census Bureau Enter the Edelman Academy

The US Census Bureau and Princeton Consultants were entered into the INFORMS Franz Edelman Academy, which honors the most extraordinary, impactful initiatives powered by operations research and advanced analytics. In the 2020 US Census, optimization and machine learning techniques automated the scheduling, workload assignments and management of field data collection. Despite the pandemic, natural disasters, and civil unrest, 99.9% of all addresses in the nation were resolved, and a productivity increase of over 80% was achieved along with significant savings.
Watch this video that describes how optimization helped transform the US Census.
Steve Sashihara Discusses Sustaining Successful Advanced Analytics

How do Advanced Analytics leaders sustain great teams, companies, and agencies? Steve was the guest speaker for an INFORMS Practice Section webinar, moderated by Dr. Arnie Greenland. For more, read his blog post.
Steve Sashihara Named NJBIZ Digi-Tech Innovator

NJBIZ has named Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara a Digi-Tech Innovator Award honoree. The award recognizes New Jersey pioneers who have made significant advances in the technological and digital space at their organizations, thus enhancing the overall productivity and performance of their companies.
Steve Sashihara on Managing Risk for AI Deployment

What are common AI project risks that practitioners must identify and mitigate? In an INFORMS webinar, Steve discussed "The Princeton 20," a framework to manage 10 business and 10 technical risk factors.
Steve Sashihara on Optimization in Businesses

How should businesses use AI? In a Toolbox article about optimization and automation, Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara is cited for his observation that business leaders often believe their significant IT investments have created widespread optimization applications, when in fact they have not.
Steve Sashihara on Risk Mitigation for Optimization Projects

At the Spring 2019 meeting of the INFORMS Roundtable, a group representing leaders of applied analytics, data science and optimization, Steve was the guest speaker. He discussed the "Princeton 20," risk factors to mitigate while successfully managing large-scale optimization projects for deployment into production.
Steve Sashihara in Forbes: How to Optimize, Reinvent, Maximize Your Business

For executives seeking to improve organizational decision-making and extract more value from assets, Steve's interview with leadership expert Rodger Dean Duncan is a must read.
Steve Sashihara Discusses Disruptive Tech, Change Management at Government & Analytics Summit

The first ever INFORMS Government and Analytics Summit in Washington, DC provided attendees with a rich, non-technical perspective on how operations research and analytics can be more broadly utilized by policymakers and federal government leaders. As an expert panelist, Steve Sashihara discussed advanced analytics and tech disruption.
Steve Sashihara Explains Why Rail is Focusing on Blockchain

Blockchain is a potential game-changer according to rail industry adopters, reports Progressive Railroading. Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara explains why Blockchain is important and how executives need to think about the tech disruptor.
Steve Sashihara Gives Keynote on Uberization at Stifel Transportation Conference

What is freight Uberization? What are the common arguments why freight won't be Uberized--and are they valid? What are the forces that are combining to change transportation? Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara answered these questions and more during his keynote at the Stifel Transportation and Logistics Conference in Miami Beach.
Steve Sashihara Talks with Road Dog Trucking Radio

Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara appeared on Road Dog Trucking Radio, the popular program on Sirius XM. Steve discussed disruptors, such as autonomous trucks, with host Mark Willis and a series of callers who described their experiences with new technologies in the cab, at the loading dock, and on the road.
Video: Steve Sashihara on Freight Uberization and Disruption

At the Commercial Carrier Journal Symposium, an annual gathering of transportation leaders, Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara led a panel discussion on the future of freight movement.
Watch the CCJ video here.
Spoiler Alert: To Avoid Disruption, Freight Transportation Executives Need Analytics

In the second part of its coverage of Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara's recent presentation about digital disruption in freight transportation and logistics, Fleet Owner emphasizes that the Internet of Things and Big Data are "the big drivers of success going forward." Executives need to be much more data-driven and leverage two types of analytics. Analyzes Steve Sashihara's List of Disruptive Freight Tech

Based on the teleconference with Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara and Stifel Capital Markets Managing Director of Research John Larkin, Tiffany Hsu of analyzed the top disrupters that will impact freight transportation and logistics.
Read the article here.
Steve Sashihara Discusses Freight Transportation Challenges with Canadian Executives

At the Surface Transportation Summit, which assembles top Canadian transportation executives, Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara participated in an expert panel on the state of freight transportation and logistics. Steve presented the findings of a recurring Princeton Consultants survey regarding potentially disruptive technologies in freight transportation, such as driverless trucks, the Internet of Things, and Big Data—comparing the results between US and Canadian survey participants.
Steve Sashihara Joins AMCF Board of Directors

Steve has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Association of Management Consulting Firms (AMCF). Steve has previously served as AMCF co-chairperson. Since its founding 1929, AMCF remains in the forefront of promoting excellence and integrity in the profession. AMCF provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, helping consultants to better understand developments within the profession and to capitalize on new opportunities. Membership is diverse: large and small firms, traditional management consultants as well as providers of professional services, generalists and specialists, single-office firms along with multinational organizations.
For more information, visit the AMCF website.
Steve Sashihara Contributes to "Careers in Analytics" at Columbia University

At Columbia University, Steve participated in a “Careers in Analytics” event for students. Steve was joined by (left to right) Anne Robinson, Executive Director of Strategy and Forward Supply Chain at Verizon Wireless, and past president of INFORMS; Jack Hymanson, Principal Solutions Architect at SAS Institute; Tracie Cambies, Internet of Things Retail leader at Deloitte Consulting; and Evan Levine, Director of Analytics at the Counterterrorism Bureau of the New York Police Department.
Carnegie Mellon Hosts Steve Sashihara on Optimization

For an audience of Carnegie Mellon PhD and MBA students, faculty and Pittsburgh executives, Steve discussed optimization and its growing impact on businesses and careers. Steve was invited through the INFORMS speaker series, which brings optimization leaders to university campuses.
Read an event summary at the INFORMS Student Chapter at Carnegie Mellon webpage. Examination of Driverless Trucks

Award-winning reporter Jaclyn Trop interviewed Steve about the testing and potential deployment of driverless trucks. The story was spurred by the US Army's upcoming test in Michigan.
"Gauging Trucking's Digital Disruptors"

David Cullen of Heavy Duty Trucking reports on Steve's survey and presentation about the future of freight transportation.
Steve Sashihara on Digital Disruption in Freight Transportation

At the FTR Conference in Indianapolis, Steve discussed the findings of a survey regarding potentially disruptive technologies in transportation, such as driverless trucks, the Internet of Things, and Big Data. Survey participants were executives at carriers, shippers, suppliers and other organizations.
Watch B2B Pricing webinar with Steve Sashihara

For IBM, Steve conducted a webinar, "B2B Pricing: Optimization, Disruption and Innovation." Steve addressed how a company can improve B2B pricing and service to maximize profitable growth. He discussed techniques and solutions in optimization and advanced forecasting, as well as Big Data challenges and opportunities as they impact pricing.
Steve Sashihara Discusses Optimization with NJSCPA

Steve presented "The Executive Guide to Optimization" for 130 members of the New Jersey Society of CPAs. Steve drew from The Optimization Edge and addressed questions regarding optimization applications for small businesses, service industries, groceries, and other areas.
Watch "Optimizing Your Supply Chain," an IBM webinar with Steve Sashihara

For IBM, Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara conducted a webinar on supply chain optimization. Steve discussed how optimization drives game-changing improvements in efficiency and service, by making recommendations for an organization's physical network, product flow path, inventory levels, and transportation and logistics.
Steve Sashihara Leads Big Data consulting event

For the Association of Management Consulting Firms (AMCF), Steve gave a presentation on Big Data and Optimization, then led a discussion of opportunities in the consulting industry.
Optimization for Clinical Trials

Steve was a guest speaker at the Avoca Quality Consortium Summit, a gathering of pharma, biotech, CRO and healthcare executives. Steve spoke on the topic of "Applying Optimization to the Clinical Trials Process." He is pictured with Patty Leuchten, CEO of The Avoca Group, who organized the event.
VIDEO: Steve Sashihara at GE's Mind + Machines

If your organization is a factory for making decisions, how can you best measure and improve output? How can private and public sector leaders take advantage of optimization? Steve addressed these and other issues at GE's Minds + Machines Conference in Chicago.
Ortec Blog Features Steve Sashihara Interview

Ortec named its interview with Steve one of its 10 best blog posts of 2013.
The Need for Optimization as Complexity Increases

Steve discusses the value of optimization in an environment of Big Data and increasing complexity, in this video posted by Ortec Consulting Group.
Steve Sashihara Presents at GE's Mind + Machines

Steve Sashihara was a featured speaker at GE’s Mind + Machines conference in Chicago. GE CEO Jeff Immelt and other executives discussed the state of the Industrial Internet from the shop floor and data center to the boardroom. Steve discussed The Optimized Industrial Business and introduced a maturity model to help companies assess their state and select areas to start optimizing.
Photo: Jeff Immelt and Steve Sashihara
Keynote at OR2013 in Rotterdam

On September 6, Steve was the featured speaker at OR2013 in Rotterdam, an international conference of the operations research community. Steve discussed how optimization specialists are making a greater impact on industry and society.
Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara Explores Optimization with IBM

For the third consecutive year, Steve was a guest speaker at Smarter Commerce. In Nashville, he conducted two sessions: "The Executive Guide to Optimization" and "Boosting Asset Utilization to Enhance the Customer Experience and Save Millions."
Optimization in Trenton

Steve Sashihara was the guest speaker of the Trenton Rotary Club. He explained how optimization improves decision making and drives improvement.
Steve Sashihara Discusses Optimizing Quant Research in the Amazon Cloud

Amazon Web Services' Spot Instances market has taken off in the past year because it rents processors for as little as 10 percent of the standard cloud services fees. Ari Levy of Bloomberg BusinessWeek interviewed Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara and other users of Spot Instances for details.
Careers in Analytics Panel at Columbia University

Undergraduate and graduate students in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research attended an event hosted by the Columbia INFORMS chapter that featured a panel of guest executives: Anne G. Robinson, Director of Supply Chain Strategy & Analytics of Verizon Wireless and President of INFORMS, Steve Sashihara, CEO of Princeton Consultants, Jack Hymanson, Principal Solutions Architect at The SAS Institute, and Evan Levine, Analytics Lead at the New York City Police Department's Counterterrorism Bureau.
The panelists discussed the increasing importance of analytics in today's Big Data environment, its impact on diverse industries, and its transferability across evolving career paths. They emphasized the importance of developing a broad set of quantitative techniques as well as "soft" communications and project management skills, all of which are necessary to lead the analytics-driven initiatives that are transforming the private and public sectors
Steve Sashihara Elected to 2013 INFORMS Roundtable Board

In 2013 Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara will serve as treasurer of the INFORMS Roundtable, a group representing top-level leaders in applied optimization for large businesses. The complete board is comprised of: Jon Owen - Past President (General Motors), Bill Browning - President (Applied Mathematics, Inc.), Jeff Winters - President-Elect (UPS), Kathy Lange - VP, Membership (SAS Institute), Mike Grant - VP, Meetings (The Boeing Company), Mark Hayward - Secretary (The Mayo Clinic), Steve Sashihara - Treasurer (Princeton Consultants).
Big Data & Analytics Explored with CFOs

Steve Sashihara moderated a roundtable discussion of Big Data, Business Analytics and Optimization at the headquarters of Financial Executives International (FEI) in Morristown, NJ.
Optimization Opportunities in Supply Chain Management

Optimization Opportunities in Supply Chain Management.
INFORMS Philadelphia Presentation

The INFORMS Philadelphia chapter hosted an event at which Steve was the guest speaker; his topic was "the two sides of successful optimization.
Princeton Consultants Honors Originators of Algebraic Modeling Language

Sponsored by Princeton Consultants, the INFORMS Impact Prize is awarded biennially for lifetime achievement in operations research and analytics. This year’s honorees created Algebraic Modeling Languages, which effectively translate mathematical models into computer languages, and helped move optimization from the classroom to the boardroom.
Read more about the Impact Prize here.
Steve Sashihara Q & A with Rodger Dean Duncan

“How to Optimize, Reinvent and Maximize Your Business.” Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara was interviewed by Rodger Dean Duncan, PhD, an author, speaker, trainer, and executive coach known for his expertise in the strategic management of change.
Read the interview here.
Optimization Training Session at Merrill Lynch

Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara was a guest speaker on the subject of Optimization at a training session of the Analytics group of Bank of America / Merrill Lynch.
MWorld: The Journal of the American Management Association

CFO Studio Video Interview: Developing a Portfolio of Optimization Opportunities

Andrew Zezas of CFO Studio interviewed Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara about improving organizational performance and decision making through optimization, from a CFO’s perspective.
Watch the interview here.
AMCF Big Data Dinner Event

For the Association of Management Consulting Firms (AMCF), Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara led a roundtable
discussion of Big Data and its impact on management consulting.
European Financial Review: From Big Data to Big Optimization

Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara contributed an article about Big Data and Optimization to the current issue of European Financial Review.
Princeton Chamber of Commerce Presentation

Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara was the guest speaker at a Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce event. He discussed the principles, techniques and benefits of optimization.
AMCF Big Data Roundtable

Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara was a lead speaker at the Association of Management Consulting Firms (AMCF) event “Business Analytics, Big Data, and Optimization: The New Frontier in Management.”
Consulting Magazine’s 2012 Executive Outlook

Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara was one of 15 management consulting firm leaders who were interviewed about what they felt about the year ahead.
Optimization, the Executive’s Trusted Advisor

McGraw-Hill’s management blog features The Optimization Edge.
The Optimization Edge Listed in The Washington Post’s Top 5 Business Books

INFORMS New York City

Steve Sashihara was the guest speaker at the New York chapter of INFORMS. His topic was "The Optimization Edge."
Blogging about Business
Bob Morris writes:
“I commend Sashihara for achieving his objective to ‘create a clear, compelling picture of the power and potential of Optimization, so that a great number of people across industries and disciplines will be motivated to step up and take a swing at turning the images presented here into reality, now and well into the future.’”
Steve Sashihara elected Treasurer of INFORMS Roundtable

Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara was elected Treasurer of the Roundtable of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) for 2012. INFORMS is the preeminent global organization for operations research, business analytics and management sciences. Complementing the academic and research side of INFORMS, the Roundtable is comprised of "practitioners": leaders from companies known for successful implementation of optimization in their businesses.
Consulting Summit

Steve Sashihara, Princeton Consultants CEO, and Joseph Kornik, Editor-in-Chief of Consulting Magazine.
Steve Sashihara was a featured speaker at Consulting Magazine’s summit. His topic was “The Optimization Edge: How Decision Making Will Drive the Future of Business.”
Virtual Analytics Symposium

Steve Sashihara presented “5 Steps to a Successful Optimization Project” to members of the Boston Chapter of INFORMS and students at Bentley University and other area schools.
getAbstract Recommends The Optimization Edge
Information technology and management consultant Steve Sashihara offers a complete guide to optimization... He shows managers how to present an optimization program to all levels of their companies, starting with decision-making managers.
Assessing Optimization Opportunities

Steve Sashihara and Princeton Consultants Director Dinesh Maneyapanda recently toured a temperature-controlled distribution center to assess optimization opportunities.
IBM Summit

Steve Sashihara presented "5 Steps to a Successful Optimization Project" at IBM's inaugural SmarterCommerce Global Summit in San Diego.
Princeton University
Steve Sashihara has been appointed to a four-year term to the Advisory Council for the Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering at Princeton University.
Consulting Magazine Q&A with Steve Sashihara: A Real Optimization Imperative

“The upper echelons of analytics is where winning companies gain competitive advantage.”
U.S. 1: The Science – & Art – of the Optimization Edge

Steve Sashihara and Princeton Consultants are profiled in the current issue of U.S. 1. Don’t Just Analyze Your Business, Optimize It

Read David F. Carr's review of The Optimization Edge and the recap of his interview with Steve Sashihara, which explores improved decision making, false boardroom assumptions about IT investment, and a game-changing app for cloud computing.
Steve Sashihara Discusses The Optimization Edge at AMCF's 2011 European Leadership Forum

(Left to right) Roger Carlile, Chief Administrative Officer, FTI Consulting; Louis-Pierre Piris, IBM Consulting Services Leader, France; Steve Sashihara, CEO, Princeton Consultants.
The 2011 European Leadership Forum was presented by the Association of Management Consulting Firms (AMCF). The Forum took place in Paris.
Investor's Business Daily: The Art of Aligning Companies From Head to Toe<

How is optimization a game-changing competitive advantage? How has Intel achieved a 10% boost in production and cost benefits measured in the hundreds of millions? How has UPS saved 30 million miles in travel each year? To find out, Investor’s Business Daily interviewed Steve Sashihara of Princeton Consultants, Karl Kempf of Intel and Jack Levis of UPS.
Soundview Executive Book Summaries

"Sashihara explains the 5-step methodology for optimization--from selecting and designing the project to leveraging the benefits... The value of The Optimization Edge is introduce executives, through scores of specific examples and in clear and concise prose, to the potential of optimization to reallocate resources and make the most of their companies' assets."
For Princeton Consultants, it's all optimization
For Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara, competitors are not the enemy — waste is. In his new book “The Optimization Edge,” he makes the case for companies utilizing optimization software that aids the decision-making process... Read the story
UPS wins the 2011 Gartner Business Intelligence (BI) Excellence Award
Congratulations to UPS for winning the 2011 Gartner Business Intelligence (BI) Excellence Award. The company’s groundbreaking work in optimization and operations research, for which it won this prestigious award, is featured in The Optimization Edge, as is the role of Jack Levis, UPS’s Director of Process Management, who accepted the award.
The award recognizes business results gained from integrating business, decision, analytical and information processes. The theme reflects a basic value of Princeton Consultants - offering integrated optimization solutions for today's business organizations.
INFORMS Roundtable Presentation and Book Signings, Chicago

Steve presented and discussed his new book, The Optimization Edge, at the INFORMS Roundtable in Chicago on April 10, and signed books at the INFORMS Business Conference on Business Analytics and Operations Research on April 11-12.
Podcast Interview

Book publication

Steve Sashihara's latest book, The Optimization Edge, is now available at bookstores and on-line. We welcome your comments and reviews! Steve thanks everyone, especially the interviewees who shared so generously their time and wisdom to make this book possible.
Initial Announcement
How have Google, Marriott, McDonald’s, UPS, and other industry leaders outperformed all their competitors, leaving even their closest rivals far behind?
Steve Sashihara’s forthcoming book goes behind the scenes, revealing that the success of these companies, along with other powerhouses such as Amazon and Walmart, hinges on their ability to use Optimization to make strategic and day-to-day operational decisions.
Click here for the press release.